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관세청은 전자서명법 개정으로 공인인증서의 독점적 지위가 폐지됨에 따라 이달부터 관세행정 서비스에서 민간전자서명인 '간편인증'과 '금융인증서'도 추가로 이용할 수 있다고 1일 밝혔다.

공정거래위원회(이하 공정위)가 발주한 대한항공과 아시아나항공 기업결합 관련 경제분석 연구 용역 계약기간이 올해 10월 말까지로 5개월 연장했다. 공정위 연구용역이 당초 일정보다 늦어지면서 통합 항공사 출범도 지연될 가능성이 커졌다.

The logistics arm of Chinese e-commerce platform Alibaba Group has signed a deal with the Korea SMEs and Startups Agency (KOSME) to serve as a third-party logistics provider for affiliated small and midsize exporters shipping to China, furthering its efforts to extend logistics services to mercha...

Carbon emissions produced from seaborne coal exports stayed steady last year despite the impact of the coronavirus on consumption, a study showed on Wednesday, although the sector faces growing environmental scrutiny.

The world’s largest container shipping line has called for a $150-a-ton carbon tax on shipping fuel that would drive up the costs for an industry that delivers 80% of world trade.

A rise in container-ship accidents adds to the growing marine plastic pollution problem and poses risks to ocean health, wildlife and mariners. One off the coast of Sri Lanka that was carrying 25 tons of nitric acid and other cargo suffered an explosion after containers caught fire on May 20 and ...

세계 최대 정육업체 중 한 곳인 JBS SA가 지난주 사이버 공격을 받아 호주·북미 지역 일부 작업장과 공장을 닫았다. 미국 백악관은 이번 공격의 배후로 러시아 소재 범죄 집단을 지목했다.

Shipping startup Shippo is now valued at $1 billion amid a boom in e-commerce.

The first four months of 2021 have been record-breaking in volume terms, with demand reaching 1.69 billion tonnes – the highest-ever start to a year. Volumes are up 6.1% compared with the same period in 2020, and only slightly down from the 1.72 billion tonnes in the final four months of 2020.

On Monday, the Suez Canal Authority partially released its version of events which, not surprisingly, placed 100 percent of the blame on the shoulders of the Ever Given’s captain. From the Wall Street Journal: