해운 물류 뉴스

The global supply chain is slowing down at the very moment when Americans are demanding that it go into overdrive.

ESL Shipping, Viking Line and Attracs have teamed up with Åbo Akademi University and PBI Research Institute on a project aiming to minimise emissions and improve transparency in the shipping industry.

Supply-chain bottlenecks have been clogging U.S. ports for months, leaving tens of thousands of shipping containers on cargo ships languishing off the Southern California coast.

Despite making up only about 4% of the vehicles on the road, diesel trucks are responsible for over half the smog-forming pollution from the transportation sector and a quarter of the climate emissions. This pollution is projected to grow, as demand for freight moved by trucks is on track to incr...

There’s a reason your online order is taking longer than it should to get to your doorstep; there’s a global shipping crisis and unfortunately small businesses are taking the brunt of it.

Freight rates to ship liquefied natural gas (LNG) rose to multi-month highs this week as a surge in demand for the super-chlled fuel has increased the need for vessels to move supplies, multiple trade and shipping sources said.

Supply chain woes and port congestion are now getting attention at the central-bank level, given their effects on inflation. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell recently lamented, “It is frustrating to see the bottlenecks and supply chain problems not getting better. In fact … [they are] appar...

‘세계의 공장’ 중국이 극심한 전력난을 겪는 가운데 국제 유가와 석탄 가격이 각각 7년, 13년 만에 최고치로 치솟는 등 세계적인 에너지난이 가중되고 있다. 여기에 주요 원자재 가격도 역대 최고 수준으로 올라 글로벌 공급망 위축과 함께 인플레이션에 대한 우려가 커지고 있다.

Retailers are desperate to restock their depleted inventories as the holiday shopping season approaches and global supply chains remain in disarray. In their quest to find a consistent, reliable way to import goods, some companies have locked themselves into expensive schemes that could keep frei...

* 20주 연속 사상 최고치를 경신해온 상하이컨테이너운임지수(SCFI)가 상승세를 멈추고 하락했다. 2일 해운업계에 따르면 컨테이너 운송 15개 항로의 운임을 종합한 대표 지표인 SCFI는 전날 기준 4614.10포인트를 기록하며 전주 대비 29.69포인트 하락했다. SCFI 지수가 하락한 건 21주 만에 처음이다.